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Lancaster University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. College Welfare and Support

Students can contact their college at any point for support or someone to talk to about any aspect of life at Lancaster, such as homesickness, wellbeing, money worries, personal problems, or any other issues.

College Advisors can help with a variety of issues as well as signpost to other services. For further information please check the ASK portal.

Find out more about College Welfare and Support

2. Student Wellbeing Partnership Service

The Student Wellbeing Partnership Service offers a range of prevention and early intervention support for students who start to notice a change in their Wellbeing, or where issues have been affecting them but they are not feeling at risk. Our Wellbeing Advisors can offer supported self-help, advice and guidance to help students decide how they want to manage these impacts, this includes access to further, specialist support where needed. They also provide workshops, social spaces such as a Wellbeing Cafe and work alongside partners across the university to deliver targeted support for student issues.

Contact: wellbeing@lancaster.ac.uk

3. Student Mental Health Service

The service aims to help students with mental health and emotional difficulties to engage in their studies and University life as effectively as possible. The team provides short term support for students to manage their mental health and wellbeing via online support, groups and workshops, drop ins, guided self help and one-to-one meetings.

Find out more about the Student Mental Health Service

4. Disability and Inclusive Practice Service

The Disability and Inclusive Practice Service provide information, advice and guidance to prospective and current disabled students and to staff supporting disabled students. They also co-ordinate support and reasonable adjustments for disabled students through the creation of student support plans and the promotion of inclusive practice across the institution.

Find out more about the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service

Last reviewed: 16 April 2024