Aberystwyth University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Student Wellbeing Service

Our mental health and counselling provision works with students to build resilience and to develop a toolkit of skills for life at University and beyond. Our webpages provide a range of different options to access the right help and advice for you.

Find out more about the Student Wellbeing Service >

2. Undeb Myfyrwyr Aberystwyth Students' Union

3. Advice Service

We provide free advice in a professional but friendly environment with our advisors experienced in dealing with University procedures and processes. We won’t judge you; we are here to help you as much as we can, regardless of your issues.

Find out more about the Advice Service

4. Isolating Students Support

We want to offer you all the support that we can – if you’re isolating and there’s something you want, need or we can help with (including free period products), or you just fancy a chat then let us know!

Find out more about Isolating Students Support

5. Your Ideas

AberSU is completely student led – from the officers who are elected to shape our work, to the feedback and ideas from students that grow to form our core policies, campaigns and commitments.

Give us feedback

Last reviewed: 30 July 2020