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Arts University Bournemouth

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. AUB Wellbeing Service

AUB's Wellbeing Service promotes the wellbeing of all students and provides particular support to those with mental health difficulties.
Students concerned about their own health, or the health of a fellow student, can discuss their worries confidentially.

Find out more about the AUB Wellbeing Service >

2. AUB Counselling Service

AUB's Counselling Service is student focused and offers confidential therapeutic sessions for one hour booked on a session by session basis. Counsellors will be genuine and non-judgemental, use advanced skills in listening and empathy and will be fully accepting of the student and whatever issues they bring to the counselling session.

Find out more about the AUB Counselling Service>

3. University Retreat

University Retreat offers a welcoming, safe space for any student who needs face-to-face support. If you feel like you are struggling with your mental health and potentially approaching a point of crisis, then this service is here to support you. You don’t need an appointment; simply come in and talk to one of our friendly team.

Find out more about the University Retreat >

4. Faith and Reflection Centre

Chaplains are experienced listeners who can offer spiritual support, prayer, and friendship to students and staff, regardless of religious beliefs or background. As well as a range of groups, lectures and social events, the Chaplains can put you in touch with advisers from different religions and faiths.

Find out more about the Faith and Reflection Centre >

5. Disability Advisor

The Senior Disability Advisor can provide advice and guidance on all disability-related issues. Whether you're applying to study with us, or you've already started your course, please get in touch to discuss any concerns or queries.

Find out more about Disability Advice >

6. Academic Support

We want you to succeed and get as much as possible out of your time with us, so we provide several academic support services to help you through your degree. The Study Skills and English language team, within Student Services, can offer a range of support with academic work, personal organisation and study skills.

Find out more about Academic Support >

Last reviewed: 5 August 2024