Aston University
Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.
1. Counselling and Mental Wellbeing Service
We offer support to students with a wide range of issues including anxiety, academic stress, low mood and depression, relationship difficulties, and bereavement through a range of counselling approaches. The work undertaken by is time-sensitive, brief counselling, which is particularly suitable for students. You will be signposted to self-help resources and referred to further specialist services should you need them.
Find out more about the Counselling and Mental Wellbeing Service >
2. Student Advice Team
You can ask our Student Advisers about student finance funding, financial assistance, access to benefits and healthcare as well as academic matters, including what happens if you take a break from your studies and what to do if you have personal circumstances which affect your academic progress.
3. Chaplaincy
We have a team of chaplains who are here to support students and staff. Chaplains are experienced at listening, offering spiritual guidance, prayer, support, and friendship. There are chaplains of different faiths: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan and Sikh - who are available at different times throughout the week.
4. Personal tutoring
We've ramped up personal tutoring, especially for first year students, with a programme of regular online meetings for the first few weeks to ensure that students are well-informed. Details are on Blackboard under the Organisations menu item, look for your College and then your Personal Tutor's name (which you can find on MAP) to find out what's going on and attend the weekly webinars.