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BIMM Birmingham

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Mental Health Support

Come and talk to us if you are a student and are having a difficult time, are stressed or feeling low or anxious. We can also offer support with healthy eating, drugs and alcohol, sexual health, student events, medical services, local services, and support through counselling.

Find out more about Mental Health Support >

2. Learning Support

The Learning Support Team are here to make sure that students can access the support they need to complete and get the most out of the course and their time at BIMM. Contact the Learning Support team if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with a support need (this includes, dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, mental health issues and anything else you feel impacts your university or personal life on a day-to-day basis).
  • Believe that you may have an undiagnosed support need.
  • Have previously accessed support at school or college or in employment.
  • Have previously had extra time for exams or assignments.
  • Are worried about assessments or written work.
  • Would like more information about Learning Support

Find out more about Learning Support >

3. Assessment Support and Study Skills

If you need help with an assignment, have failed an assignment/got low marks and you're feeling de-motivated, or if you need help to prepare for an exam, the Student Wellbeing and Learning Support team can help. Throughout the year the Learning Support team will be running a variety of virtual and in-person sessions on lots of different topics to help you throughout your time at BIMM.

Find out more about Assessment Support and Study Skills >

4. Accommodation Advice

We can help you by providing you with our accommodation guide and offering you general advice, if you are having problems with where you live or if you need to find out where things are in Birmingham.

Find out more about Accommodation Advice >

5. Attendance Support

We can help you if you are struggling with your attendance. Book a tutorial with our Student Wellbeing team to chat more about how we may be able to help.

Find out more about Attendance Support >

6. Student Email and Online Platforms

We can help if you have questions about your student email or any of our online student platforms. Send us an email or book a Tutorial with a member of the team.

Find out more about Student Email and Online Platforms support >

7. Registering with a GP or Dentist

We can help if you aren't sure how to register with a GP or dentist. Send us an email or book a Tutorial to chat more about this.

Find out more about support Registering with a GP or Dentist>

8. Safeguarding

BIMM University Birmingham is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment in which to work and learn. If you're suffering from bullying, violence, abuse, or are concerned about someone else's safety, we can help. Our safeguarding team are always here to talk to. Get in contact with one of our Designated Safeguarding Lead's.

Find out more about Safeguarding>

9. Disabled Students Allowance

If you're a student with additional needs, you may be entitled to extra support from the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). The DSA can offer you a variety of support such as specialist equipment, mentors, and money towards your care costs. You can apply for the DSA as part as your Student Finance Application, look at the information on our SharePoint for more detail. If you have any questions, you can contact the Learning Support team.

Find out more about the Disabled Students Allowance>

10. Student Finance and Budgeting Advice

If you need advice about Student Finance or support with budgeting, get in contact with the Student Wellbeing team and book a tutorial for a chat.

Find out more about Student Finance and Budgeting Advice>

Last reviewed: 12 August 2024