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Birmingham City University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. BCU Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

A free, confidential service for current students at BCU which offers wellbeing advice, mental health advice and counselling (including CBT). We offer appointments from Monday-Friday (9am-5pm) and these are via telephone or video call at present. To access the service register on iCity or email us.

Find out more about the BCU Mental Health and Wellbeing Team >

2. BCU Student Support Team

Advice and guidance on all things money related including; student finance funding, welfare benefits, dealing with debt, childcare, money management and alternative sources of funding including hardship funds. We also provide targeted support for care leavers and student parents.

Contact the Student Support Team by email >

Last reviewed: 7 August 2020