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Bishop Grosseteste University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. All of the information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Student Advice

Confidential, impartial and non-judgemental advice and guidance providing accessibility, wellbeing, counselling, funding and financial support

Find out more about Student Advice >

2. Centre for Enhancement in Learning & Teaching (CELT)

CELT is dedicated to developing teaching and learning across Bishop Grosseteste University. CELT is comprised of staff working in Learning Development, Digital Learning and Student Engagement. CELT's services promote independent learning and digital capability for BGU's students, as well as facilitating student engagement and wellbeing activities.

Contact CELT by email >

3. BGU Students' Union

BGUSU's main aim is to represent every single student on campus. We run a successful academic representation scheme to make sure the course you are on is being run fairly and that you feel supported and confident in what you are doing.

Contact BGUSU by email >

Last reviewed: 5 April 2024