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Durham University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Our colleges

Each College has a dedicated student support team to support you throughout your time at Durham University. The team can advise you on issues affecting your wellbeing and help you to access other support services across the University.

Find out more about support within colleges >

2. Our Departments

Each Department has a dedicated Student Support Officer or Manager who provides support to help students engage effectively and/or progress satisfactorily in their studies. They can also help students access other support services across the University.

Find out more about support in your department >

3. Counselling and Mental Health

The service offers a range of support tailored to your individual needs. This could include support with self-help resources, workshops and support groups, brief 1:1 interventions, referrals into local NHS services, or counselling.

Find out more about counselling >

4. Disability Support

Whether you've got a physical disability, a medical or mental health condition or experience neurodiversity, our specialist Disability Support Service is on hand to offer advice and guidance. You may receive a Disability Support Plan, outlining the support you'll need to ensure that you can fully engage with your studies.

Find out more about disability support >

5. Student Conduct Office

At Durham, we expect staff and students to adhere to and uphold a respectful culture.

We take this seriously and the work of the Student Conduct Office covers student complaints, allegations of non-academic student misconduct, student discipline, and allegations of sexual misconduct and violence.

Find out more about the student conduct office >

6. Wellbeing Office

The team provides guidance on physical wellbeing and local health services, delivering a programme of events, campaigns and activities to raise awareness and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

The Office incorporates Student Money Advice, which is for those in need of advice on budgeting, money management, issues relating to debt, benefits, banking and other financial concerns.

Find out more about the wellbeing office >

7. Faith & Chaplaincy

Our network of Chaplains welcome students of all faiths, beliefs and worldviews. The chaplains provide pastoral and spiritual wellbeing support and activities, e.g. the Listening Service and Mindfulness sessions.

Find out more about the chaplaincy >

8. Student Immigration and Funding

Our dedicated immigration advisors can provide advice for international students looking to enter or remain in the UK to study.

Our Funding teams provide advice and support on undergraduate and postgraduate SLC student loans, US Federal Aid and hardship support, as well as scholarships and postgraduate research grant funding.

Find out more about student immigration >

9. Durham Students' Union

Durham Students' Union has an Advice Service which is independent from the University, providing impartial and confidential advice to students on a range of issues.

Though independent, our advisers have good links with Colleges, Departments, Specialist Support Services and external organisations and if we can't help you directly, we'll refer you to someone who can.

Find out more about the Durham Students' Union >

Last reviewed: 14 May 2024