Glasgow Clyde College

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Time to Talk

For anyone wanting support, we have our Time to Talk helpline available to the whole college community and staffed by qualified counsellors. Counselling appointments can be made via Time to Talk too.

Phone: 0141 272 3786

  • Mondays: 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays: 1-3pm
  • Wednesdays: 1-3pm
  • Thursdays: 1-3pm
  • Fridays: 1-3pm


Find out more about Time to Talk

2. Counselling Service

Our counselling service offers one-to-one appointments to provide students with a variety of self-help opportunities to support positive mental health and encourage resilience. We work closely with college partners to ensure that students can be appropriately signposted to external support and clinical services.

Appointments can be made by phoning the Time to Talk helpline on 0141 272 3786.

Find out more about the Counselling Service

3. Student Information and Welfare Centre

The Student Information and Welfare Centres are on each campus and offer information, advice and guidance on all aspects of studying at Glasgow Clyde College. The service we provide is confidential and is open to everyone. The Student Information and Welfare Team can help you access a range of information and support services, both internal and external, that can help throughout your student journey.

Phone: 0141 272 3636

Find out more about Student Information and Welfare Centre

4. Student Funding

Funding awards depend upon which level of course you are studying. Contact us for confidential, impartial advice and help on funding matters.

Find out more about Student Funding

5. Care Experienced Student Support

The Student Information and Welfare Team works closely with specific groups of students, including those who are Care Experienced. Offering a named contact to each of these students, our aim is to ensure they are quickly and easily accessing and benefiting from a wide range of support including help from our external partners including Action for Children, SDS and the Robertson Trust.

Phone: 0141 272 3636

Find out more about Care Experienced Student Support

6. Learning Inclusion

The Learning Inclusion Team provide learning support to those who face additional barriers to their learning.

This may be because you have an additional support need and/or disability such as:

  • Dyslexia/Dyscalculia/Dyspraxia
  • ADHD
  • Sensory impairment
  • Mental Health Challenges
  • Medical Conditions
  • Mobility Difficulties
  • Autism

It may also be because you are care experienced, have caring responsibilities, or have other issues affecting your studies.

Anniesland Campus:

Cardonald Campus:

Langside Campus:

7. Careers Service

Once you become a student at Glasgow Clyde College the Careers Service team are here to assist and support you in managing your own career development and employability. Our small team of fully qualified and experienced college Careers Advisers support students throughout their time studying at the college in order to enhance their career prospects and make successful transitions into employment, training or further studies.

Contact the Careers Service

8. Gender Based Violence

At Glasgow Clyde College we believe that all members of the College community have the right to study and work without experiencing any form of Gender Based Violence (GBV), abuse or harassment. The College understands that anyone can be a victim/survivor of GBV. Many staff in the college are trained to support anyone experiencing GBV and we have a reporting tool which can be used by anyone in the college community.

Find out more about Gender Based Violence support

Last reviewed: 4 January 2024