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Imperial College London

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy welcomes all students and staff of the College, of any faith or none. The team of Chaplains and faith advisers offer many services, including mindfulness sessions, personal development coaching and one-to-one confidential support in times of crisis, stress or uncertainty.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy

2. Disability Advisory Service

The Disability Advisory Service provides tailored support for all Imperial students who have a disability or specific learning difference. The Service also offers advice to students who think they may have a disability or specific learning difference and are seeking an assessment.

Find out more about the Disability Advisory Service

3. Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service

The Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service offers 3 strands of support. We offer individual counselling alongside psycho-educational workshops, online support groups and online CBT. Our Mental Health Advisors support students with moderate to severe enduring mental health difficulties. Our Study Mentors support students to manage their academic work.

Find out more about The Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service

4. Sexual Violence Support

If you have experienced sexual violence, Imperial has a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) who can provide you with confidential 1-2-1 support. Our SVLOs will guide you through your options in a sensitive, non-judgemental way and they can support you regardless of when or where the incident happened.

Find out more about the SVLO team

5. Student Support Zone

Student Support Zone is your ultimate guide to supporting your wellbeing at Imperial. Student Support Zone offers information, advice and support on a range of practical issues and common concerns that you might face as a student at Imperial, including information on how to access all our support services.

Find out more about the wide range of support that’s available to you at Imperial and the specialist services that can help you.

6. Imperial College Union Advice Centre

The Advice Centre provides a free, confidential, independent and non-judgemental service to students. We can help with academic issues, student accommodation issues, and complaints against the College and Union. If we cannot help, we can signpost you to an internal or external service which can.

Find out more about the Advice Centre

Last reviewed: 20 January 2021