Kaplan Pathways

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. College Services

The College Services team are here to offer guidance and support on all aspects of your life in the UK from arrival to progression to your degree. We offer a range of services to help students settle in, including practical information about visas, travel, managing money, banking, and accessing medical care. We also offer opportunities for students to enjoy themselves and make friends. We run a range of professional development opportunities, social activities, and events.

Contact the college services team >

2. Disability Support

Students with a medical condition, specific learning differences, mental health issue or disability can request additional support and adjustments by completing the disclosure form on your offer letter. Alternatively, you can speak to your College Services Advisor for guidance about how we can support your studies or submit a request for a support plan meeting via the VLE NTIC Student Welfare page.

Find out more about disability support >

3. Mental Health and Wellbeing

The College runs various wellbeing events and awareness campaigns throughout the term. We can offer advice about coping with exam stress, anxiety, living independently and homesickness. Speak to your College Services Welfare Advisor or submit a welfare meeting request form via the VLE NTIC Student Welfare page if you would like help building resilience and dealing with the pressures of student life.

All students also have access to an external confidential advice service called the Student Assistance Programme (SAP). The service, by Health Assured, provides a confidential counselling service as well as legal and financial advice. Students can access it by calling SAP: 0800 028 3766. A translation Service is available, and students can use their native language. You can access support by downloading the 'Wisdom' App from the Apple or Android Store.

Find out more about mental health and wellbeing support >

4. Accommodation

In Nottingham we have two Kaplan Accommodations that students can choose from. We have a centrally-located residence called Kaplan Living which offers accommodation to all students aged 16 and over, with dedicated flats for under-18s. Kaplan also offers accommodation at Stanley House, which offers luxurious studio flats to all students aged 18 and over. We strongly encourage that all Under-18 students stay either at Kaplan Living as we offer an enhanced wellbeing and support package, but students may live in private accommodation if the College receives a letter from the student’s guardian.

Don’t want to stay at Kaplan residences but would like help with finding accommodation? Speak to your College Services Advisor for guidance about how to find accommodation in Nottingham.

Find out more about accommodation >

5. Academic Support

If you are struggling with your studies or would like extra guidance, you can reach out to your Academic Tutors for information about your module and assessments. You can reach out to your tutors on Teams or after the lesson.

You can also visit the NTIC Student Welfare VLE page for guidance on how to deal with exam stress, how to create a study routine, and how to study effectively.

If you would like to have a chat about study-related stress and anxiety, reach out to the NTIC Welfare Team!

Find out more about academic support >

6. Financial Advice

For some students, this may be the first time you will have to manage your own finances. At College Services, we understand that managing your finances may be confusing and stressful, so we have created a page on the NTIC Student Welfare to help you with all things finance! From opening a bank account in the UK, to setting a weekly budget – we can guide you through it all!

As an international student, you are legally allowed to work 10 hours a week during your studies with us. If you would like employability support, you can schedule a meeting with a dedicated Careers Consultant at NTU through the NTU StudentHub. The University has a whole Employability department who are there to help you on with your career journey!

Find out more about employability support >

7. Social Life

Here at NTIC, we hold regular events for students to join in and meet new friends. From craft events to cultural celebrations, there is something for everyone to enjoy. To stay updated on our events, follow us on social media!

During your studies at NTIC, you also have access to NTU Student Union. On the NTSU website, you can browse through their A-Z of student societies! Student societies are a great way to get involved in University life and find people who enjoy the same things as you!

Find out more about student societies >

8. University-specific Support

While you are a student at NTIC, you can use the University’s resources and support. You can explore all available help, support, and advice on the University’s StudentHub. The University can help with employability, accessing support in the library if you have a disability, and many more!

Find out more about university-specific support>

Last reviewed: 4 September 2024