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London Studio Centre

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Pastoral Care and Counselling

This service is available to all students through our two counsellors, who are both key contacts for mental health, well-being and personal concerns. Face-to-face counselling is available as well as online sessions. Drop in sessions can also be used to discuss any concerns more briefly.

Find out more about Pastoral Care and Counselling >

2. Injury, fitness and medical advice

15-minute consultations are held with the Head of Student Welfare, where a summary of your concerns, injury or needs will be discussed. Based on your needs you will then be referred on to the appropriate in-house support such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, soft tissue therapy or strength and conditioning, all through LSCs Physical Support Scheme. Where appropriate the Head of Student Welfare will provide support through a longer meeting where alternative strategies can be explored.

Find out more about injury, fitness and medical advice >

3. Nutrition

Nutritional support is available through our nutritionist Zerlina Mastin. One-to-one consultations are accessible weekly where Zerlina can explore and discuss with you, your needs and concerns, or general advice.

Find out more about nutrition >

4. Sports Massage

Massage therapy external to the physical support scheme is also available to all students at a small cost of £20 for 30mins and £40 for 60mins. These sessions can be useful more physical maintenance and injury prevention. They are available to book with Tatina on DIVA.

Find out more about sports massage >

5. Psychological Skills and Support

This is not a counselling service. This service is available through referral only through the Head of Student Welfare, aiming to support students through pressurised environments such as vocational training. Some areas that can be supported are: performance anxiety, perfectionism, resilience, confidence, motivation and managing transitions.

Find out more about psychological skills and support >

6. Learning differences support

The Head of Learning Support, Dr Deveril, is available to work with students who would like additional support with things such as: theoretical work, studying and writing guidance, focus in class and pick-up advice, SpLDs and other conditions that may affect your studies.

Find out more about learning differences support >

Last reviewed: 4 October 2024