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Newman University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Mental Health Advice

Our Mental Health Advisor supports students with emerging concerns about their mental health, or who experience severe and enduring mental health issues. She arranges mentoring support, advises about DSA funding, identifies arrangements to help reduce barriers to study and can liaise with healthcare providers and University staff.

Find out more about Mental Health Advice or contact our Mental Health Advisor by email.

2. Counselling

Our counsellors can provide up to six sessions of therapy in a safe, non-judgmental environment where thoughts and feelings can be expressed and explored with a trained and understanding listener. Emotional, social or work/study-related issues can be discussed with the counsellor.

Contact Peter Visscher, Counsellor, for more information about counselling.

3. Welfare Advice

The Welfare Adviser provides information, advice and guidance on a wide range of practical and personal issues including hardship funds, student finance, benefits, tax credits, debt, budgeting, childcare, housing, pregnancy, harassment, abuse, forced marriage and advises students who are care-experienced or have cut ties with their families.

Contact Tammy Oyekanmi, Welfare Adviser, for more information about Welfare Advice.

Last reviewed: 23 July 2020