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Plymouth Marjon University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Counselling

A 1:1 confidential, student-centred service run by experienced BACP qualified staff to support students with a range of personal issues from home sickness to relationship breakdowns, anxiety to abuse. Counsellors also sign-post to other external and internal services to for additional expert and individualised support as appropriate. Students self-refer via e-mail.

Find out more about Student Counselling >

2. Well-being

A two-pronged confidential service that promotes well-being and provides initial support for students experiencing any kind. Staff work closely with other departments, academics and the Students Union (SU) to run workshops, activities and workshops and develop resources that positively promote well-being. Students can also book an appointment to talk about anything that is worrying them from which they will be sign-posted to further specific / expert support.

Contact well-being for more information >

Listening Post

The Listening Post is an on-line peer support group which complements the University's formal services. Student volunteers act as mentors and sign-post students to further, expert support as required. This is an open forum where students support one another, monitored by the volunteers; students can also ask to speak to a mentor 1:1. Mentors have their own areas of expertise and students are referred according to the nature of the request.

Contact the Listening Post for more information >

Last reviewed: 22 July 2020