Queen Mary University of London
Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.
1. Advice and Counselling Service
The Advice and Counselling Service provides a range of specialist, professional and confidential services to support students with financial, welfare, legal, emotional and psychological issues.
2. Disability and Dyslexia Service
The Disability and Dyslexia Service offers support for all students with disabilities, specific learning differences and mental health diagnoses at Queen Mary University of London from application through to graduation.
3. Student Enquiry Centre
Students can visit the Student Enquiry Centre with any enquiries regarding Student Documentation, ID Cards, Bursaries, Exams, Admissions queries and more. Email the Student Enquiry Centre for more information.
More Information
For more information about all the strands of support available to students at Queen Mary University of London please visit our online Student Wellbeing Hub, which includes information about where students can find support when the university is closed.