Queen's University Belfast
Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.
1. Student Wellbeing Service
We recognise that being a student isn’t always easy. As you progress through your journey at Queen’s, the changes and challenges you experience can affect you differently, and that’s OK. You can contact our Student Wellbeing team at any time throughout the academic year, with the assurance that we will connect you with support.
2. Disability Service
Students with a disability or long-term condition are encouraged to register with the University's Disability Service to ensure their individual needs are assessed and relevant support recommendations are put in place for their chosen course of study and wider participation in University life.
3. SU Advice
A free, independent, confidential advice service provided by the Students’ Union. Queries about funding, money, housing, academic life and conduct issues – come to us. We know life throws up all sorts of interesting scenarios and problems, we’re here to provide you with independent advice when you need it.
4. Students' Union
You're automatically a member of Queen’s Students’ Union along with over 25,000 others! We're led by students, for students, here to represent you. From clubs and societies to volunteering opportunities, we have a wide range of activities for you to engage in – visit our website to find out more.
5. Report + Support
We are committed to support students affected by either sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment, and hate crime. You can tell us anonymously or speak to a safe and healthy relationships advocate.
6. Mind Your Mood
Mind Your Mood is a student-led mental health campaign, that raises awareness of mental health issues affecting students at Queen's, and in wider society. It seeks to remove the stigma attached to discussing mental health, encourages students to practice self-care, build resilience, and connect with internal and external support services.
7. Cost of Living Advice and Support
The cost of living, that is, the cost of everyday essentials such as fuel, household bills and food that has been continuing to rise. This is an issue that will impact all of us in different ways and here you will find advice and support in a range of areas.