Sheffield Hallam University
Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.
1. Student Wellbeing Service
The Student Wellbeing Service provides information and advice to support your psychological wellbeing in order for you to manage your studies and make the most of university life. We offer wellbeing support appointments, therapy, mental health case management and practical support.
2. Student Funding Team
The Student Funding team provide information, advice and guidance relating to the funding you are eligible for and can provide you with suggestions and possible solutions which may help if you are having difficulties.
3. The Skills Centre
The Skills Centre offers academic study skills development via online webinars and online & telephone 1-1 tutorials. You can book these via our What’s On guide. We also offer online assignment drop-ins for quick questions and comprehensive self-guided learning resources to work through at your own pace. We can can help all students to develop their academic skills from foundation level through to doctoral students, and our service runs all year round.