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Teesside University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Counselling Service

Our Counselling Service is dedicated to providing you with quality counselling and emotional support through a range of different pathways.

We would like every student to have a positive learning experience, however sometimes this can be affected by issues and feelings that are difficult to resolve. These feelings often impact on other areas of your life and may affect your academic studies, your relationships with others, or your personal choices. This is when counselling can help. Counselling provides a safe and confidential space in which to explore your feelings or anything that that may be affecting your ability to function well. Often, therapeutic work has a lifelong legacy and can equip you with the necessary skills to navigate your way through future challenges.

Find out more about the counselling service >

2. Disability & Mental Health Services

Our Disability Service provides advice and guidance to students and applicants as well as help to arrange tailored support for students with long-term health conditions; sensory impairments; physical and mobility impairments; mental health conditions; autism spectrum conditions; and, specific learning difficulties, who may need reasonable adjustments in place to support them with their studies.

Our Mental Health Service provides students with advice on how to manage mental health, including help to develop coping strategies, exploring other services within the university that may enhance your experience such as support with academic skills, wellbeing activities and services, lifestyle advice, and making referrals and signposting to external support services.

Email the Disability Service for more information >

3. Welfare & Finance Advice Team

Our finance advisers are available throughout the year to give you advice and information on money matters. We can offer general advice and guidance including information on tuition fees, student loans, delayed funding loans, welfare benefits and much more.

Our welfare advisers are here to help if you are experiencing any personal issues that are impacting on your time at university. They will listen to you, explore your options, and point you in the direction of specialist support services. They will ensure you receive the most appropriate guidance and advice to help you to feel safe and supported throughout your time at University.

Email the Welfare & Finance Advice Team >

Last reviewed: 12 August 2024