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The Courtauld Institute of Art

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Counselling

We offer an assessment and up to 6 sessions of counselling per academic year for all students. Our counsellors are professionally trained an accredited and can offer in person or online sessions.

Find out more about counselling >

2. Mental Health Advice

If you are struggling with any aspect of your mental health and would like to discuss what support might be best for you, you can arrange an appointment with one of our mental Health and Disability Advisers.

Find out more about mental health advice >

3. Specific Learning Difference(SpLD)/Neurodiversity Support

If you suspect you have an SpLD or neurodiverse condition which might impact your studies we can offer a screening with potential for a diagnostic assessment with a trained educational psychologist. If you already have a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Difference or Neurodiversity you can speak with us about support and adjustments available.

Find out more about SpLD/neurodiversity support >

4. Disability Support

If you have any disability, whether physical or mental health, or from an SpLD/neurodiverse condition we can put in place a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments (SoRA) with include adjustments to help with your recorded conditions. This might be extra time in exams or for assignments, large print text, help with assistive technology or support with any accessibility requirements.

Find out more about disability support >

5. DSA Application Support

If you are a UK Home Fees paying student you may be entitled to additional government funded support, even if you do not consider yourself to be disabled. Anyone with a long-term physical or mental health condition, or SpLD/Neurodiverse condition is welcome to apply and we can help with the process.

Find out more about DSA application support >

6. Hardship Fund

If you find yourself in short term hardship, you may be eligible for a hardship fund payment of up to £1000. Payments are assessed on a eligibility basis and a one of payment of per-academic year can be made to eligible students which does not need to be paid back.

Find out more about the hardship fund >

7. Mental Health Mentoring

If you have a long term mental health condition, or a SpLD/neurodiverse condition but are not eligible for DSA support, we can fund some session with either a Mental Health Mentor or Specialist Study Skills Tutor to help you manage your studies.

Find out more about mental health mentoring >

Last reviewed: 20 September 2024