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The University College of Estate Management

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Disability and Wellbeing

The Team provides information advice and guidance to students about support for disabilities, long term conditions, and neurodiversity.

Contact the Disability & Wellbeing team

2. Safeguarding

Provide support and information to students experiencing serious welfare concerns such as abuse, mental health crisis, bullying and harassment.

Contact the Safeguarding team

3. London Nightline

An anonymous out of hours listening and information service run by students, for students. They will listen to what ever is on your mind.

Find out more about Nightline

4. Financial Support

UCEM has various funds available to either new or continuing students, based on financial need and individual circumstances.

Find out more about Financial Support

Last reviewed: 4 January 2024