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The University of Edinburgh

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Disability & Learning Support Service

We can offer a range of support based on your individual needs and how your disability, learning difference, neurodiverse or health condition affects your studies. This service supports all students studying with us.

Find out more about the Disability & Learning Support Service

2. Student Counselling Service

We support the mental health of all current University of Edinburgh students, including research, international and visiting students, using short-term counselling (therapy), a series of workshops, self-help and online resources.

Find out more about the Student Counselling Service

3. Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy provides personal, emotional, communal, spiritual, faith and belief support, for all members of the University and is used as much or more by people of no religion, than by people of particular faiths. We have a commitment not to proselytise, and to support all people to flourish.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy

4. Student Wellbeing Service

The Student Wellbeing Service is part of a range of health and wellbeing services that is available to all University students. We work collaboratively with colleagues across the University to provide proactive and reactive wellbeing support for students. This includes proactive preventative work for all students as well as providing specialised support for higher-risk students who have more complex needs and who present with at risk behaviours using a short-term case management model.

All Schools and Deaneries will have Wellbeing Advisers who you can speak with if you are experiencing any wellbeing-related issues that are affecting your health, wellbeing, studies or personal life. The Wellbeing Advisers can then provide you with advice and guidance, and will also be able to discuss and link you up with our other University services, as well as signposting to external agencies.

Find out more about the Student Wellbeing Service

Last reviewed: 4 January 2024