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The University of Law

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Wellbeing Service

ULaw students have access to advice, guidance and support from our wellbeing team during their time at university on a variety of personal, practical and/or social issues or concerns. The wellbeing team aims to ensure that you are supported in managing problems which you may face inside or outside of university so you can work to the best of your abilities during your studies. Students can make contact via telephone and email to discuss and explore possible solutions to non-academic difficulties you may be experiencing. The wellbeing team can support you to make referrals to external agencies/services if or when necessary.

Find out more about the Wellbeing Service

2. Disability Support and Inclusion Service

Advice, information and guidance is available to disabled applicants and current students. This can include students with a physical disability, a long-term medical/mental health condition, a sensory impairment and students who have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD).

The Disability Support and Inclusion Service will help you identify your learning needs and offer guidance on how to access appropriate resources, software and support. Some support will be provided directly by the University whilst some other specialised equipment or assistive software may be funded through Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) for eligible UK students. Disabled applicants can also receive advice on accommodation providers and campus accessibility.

Contact disabilitysupportservice@law.ac.uk for more information

3. ULaw BeWell: The University of Law Wellbeing App

Our Wellbeing app is free for all ULaw student topics along with daily wellbeing exercises. The app also contains contact details for local (tailored to each ULaw campus) and national support services with the ability to contact services through the app. The app is FREE for iPhone and Android phones and is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Search "ULaw Wellbeing" on the App Store or Google Play.

Last reviewed: 16 April 2024