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University of Bath

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Disability Support

The Disability Service can provide specialist advice throughout your studies, including liaising with your department to recommend study adjustments (e.g. exam arrangements) and applying for specialist one to one support and equipment.

Find out more about Disability Support

2. Student Support Advice

If you are feeling worried or upset about anything, the Student Support Advice Team is here to support you. We provide practical support and advice, and can help you access a range of services. We will ensure you get the right help from the right people to meet the challenges that life brings.

Find out more about Student Support Advice

3. International Student Support

The International Support Service offers practical advice, information, and support to international students including providing up-to-date information and connecting with other students.

Find out more about International Student Support

4. Residence Life

We run a residence life programme to support your transition into University halls, develop a sense of community and help you get the best student experience from your time living with us. Our remit includes social events and activities, welcome into halls, life skills, peer to peer roles (ResLife Ambassadors), student support and engagement.

Find out more about Residence Life

5. Student Money Advice

The Money Advice team offers practical advice on managing money, funding and sourcing additional income during drop-in sessions and appointments. The Student Money team are also able to offer Short Term Loans and access to the University managed Hardship Fund, alongside a wide range of other bursaries and support for students from all walks of life.

Find out more about Student Money Advice

6. Therapeutic Services and Mental Health

Therapeutic Services & Mental Health provide counselling and mental health support to students. They run groups and workshops for coping with stress and help you find external support services.

Find out more about Therapeutic Services and Mental Health

7. Chaplaincy Service

The Chaplaincy is both a place and a team of people. We are here for people of all faiths and no faith - all students and staff, to offer counsel, advice or just a listening ear. Feel free to pop in any time.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy

8. Academic and Learning Support

Our aim is to develop student independence by enhancing academic, language and employability skills to ensure each individual can reach their full potential.

Find out more about Academic and Learning Support

9. Students' Union

The SU is the body of students at the University of Bath. We believe that when students come together, they can shape the communities they are part of for the better. Through our student leaders and elected representatives, we grow and support communities of students as they provide opportunities for others and change the world around us for the better.

Find out more about the Students' Union

10. Security

The Security team is responsible for responding to incidents on campus, managing parking, CCTV, Access Control and lost property. Our initiatives have led to low campus crime levels and national recognition. First Parking deal with parking enforcement.

Find out more about Security

Last reviewed: 21 November 2023