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University of Chichester

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Wellbeing Service

The team comprises of mental health advisers, student wellbeing advisers and counsellors. Our primary remit is to deliver triage and signposting for students presenting with mental health or wellbeing needs. We offer weekly drop-ins and self-bookable advice and guidance appointments which offer a confidential space to talk through any worries or concerns with a professional wellbeing adviser. We can also help students access a range of external services and internal wellbeing initiatives such as bereavement counselling, support groups and peer mentoring.

Find out more about the Wellbeing Service

2. Student Health Service

Our nurse health advisers offer confidential professional support and advice. They provide an accessible service with daily drop-in and appointment times to discuss health concerns. They also work closely with university staff, local GP surgeries and other medical professionals, to support students with the management of more serious conditions.

Find out more about the Student Health Service

3. Disability and Dyslexia Service

This service provides a range of support and guidance to students with disabilities, continuing health conditions, autistic spectrum conditions, specific learning difficulties and any additional needs that require support or adjustment in teaching, learning and exams. The service can also arrange for non-medical helper support such as specialist study skills tutors, mentors, qualified note-takers, readers and signers. Some of this support may be funded by the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

Find out more about the Disability and Dyslexia Service

4. Student Money

The team provides confidential advice and assistance to students needing help with their finances. Our advisers can help with funding issues, including eligibility, how and when to apply, and dealing with associated problems. They also advise on the university’s financial support package, assist with applications to the university’s support fund and provide emergency support when necessary.

Find out more about Student Money

5. Chaplaincy

The chaplain offers opportunities for students to explore faith, discuss life and find community. The chaplain is based at the Chichester campus but holds services and provides space for discussion and time for quiet reflection on both campuses. The chaplain is here for all students: to listen to and support them, and to assist students of all faiths to locate places to worship and pray where they may feel most at home.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy

6. International Student Support

The International Student Advisory Service (ISAS) provides on-going support for international and EU students and can help you settle in to living and studying in Chichester or Bognor Regis. We offer a range of support and advice. We also organise the University’s international orientation events and activities throughout the year.

Find out more about International Student Support

7. Students' Union

The SU provides advice and support for all students of Chichester University, incoming students and alumni. We can offer practical advice that is free, confidential, impartial and non-judgemental or signposting to a member of staff or service within the University who can best help.

The majority of the enquiries fall into the following categories: personal issues, housing, academic, money, or complaints and disciplinary proceedings with the University.

Find out more about the Students' Union

Last reviewed: 11 December 2023