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University of Roehampton

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Wellbeing Team

We are your first port of call for any problem you might have. This could range from advice and support for personal safety, including harassment and assault, or advice on accessing other support services such as counselling and mental health advice. You can also come to see us if you just want a friendly, supportive conversation. All our support is confidential.

Find out more about the Wellbeing Team

2. Disability and Dyslexia Team

The University of Roehampton welcomes students with disabilities and offers flexible support services tailored to your needs.
We strongly recommend that you get in touch to let us know about your specific disability and support needs. Any information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to support you with your studies.

Contact disabilities@roehampton.ac.uk for more information

3. Finance Team

We offer a range of financial support, including generous scholarships, a Student Hardship Fund for those in financial difficulty, access to undergraduate and postgraduate student loans and personal advice on budgeting. We also provide free facilities and services to support commuting students.

Contact studentfinance@roehampton.ac.uk for more information

Last reviewed: 5 November 2020