University of Surrey

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Centre for Wellbeing

Counselling and mental health advice service for short term counselling and mental health advice and coordination.

Find out more about the Centre for Wellbeing

2. Peer Support

Student Peer Supporters provide the opportunity for students living in the University’s residences to speak with another student about any aspect of student life.

Find out more about Peer Support

3. Campus Safety

Providing emergency advice and support 24/7, 365 days

Contact: 01483 682002 or in an emergency: 01483 683333

Find out more about Campus Safety

Contact the team via email

4. Residential Life Team

The ResLife Team support students living in the University’s residences. They help students navigate challenges, including living alongside, and sharing spaces with other students. The team also organise social events to help students make new friends and connections.

Find out more about the Residential Life Team

Last reviewed: 5 April 2024