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Wrexham University

Find out what support is available at your university or college. The information on this page was compiled by the institution themselves to ensure accuracy.

1. Counselling & Mental Health

Our Counselling & Mental Health Team comprises of both Counsellors and Mental Health Advisers. Students can self-refer to this support, opting to engage with either counselling or mental health advisor sessions. The University offers a short term intervention approach to sessions and can signpost to further support, either internally or externally, if this is appropriate.

Find out more about Counselling & Mental Health

2. Funding & Money Advice

The Funding & Money Advice Team (FMAT) provide tailored advice and information to help students make informed decisions, relating to their finances. They can provide support and guidance on issues such as funding opportunities both pre and during studies, delays with Student Finance, scholarships, grants & bursaries, help with financial assistance (where possible), advice when unforeseen circumstances occur and guidance on what to do if a student interrupts or leaves their studies.

Find out more about Funding & Money Advice

3, Inclusion Services

Our Inclusion service can offer support to all students who have a long term condition, illness, mental health diagnosis or specific learning difference. Inclusion can help support students to apply for Disabled Student Allowance, via Student Finance, as well as ensuring reasonable adjustments are put in place. Support for students differs dependent upon their condition and the impact this has on their academic studies and overall student life.

Find out more about Inclusion Services

4. Student Wellbeing

Our Student Wellbeing team consists of Student Support Navigators who offer: 1:1 support to students experiencing both personal and academic issues impacting their wellbeing, help overcome barriers to education, help explore situations in order to identify areas in which to be supported and a plan will then be produced collaboratively to move forward and appointment times that are flexible and can be held via Teams, over the telephone or on campus.

Find out more about Student Wellbeing

5. Careers & Employability

We have a team of qualified HE careers and employability specialists who can provide expertise, resources, and opportunities to students, as well as lifelong support to graduates. Support can be accessed through the ASK: Careers and Employability Portal. Here, students and graduates can book 1:1 guidance appointments with Careers Advisers, find self-directed careers education tools to develop skills and confidence linked to the Glyndwr Graduate Framework, source work opportunities, and book extracurricular employability events. In addition, we provide in-curricular careers education sessions linked to your programme of study. Affiliated with The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS).

Find out more about Careers & Employability

6. Chaplaincy

Wrexham University has developed links with different faith support options within the local community and we can help students access this support whether that be for a 1-2-1 chat or for wider community support.

Find out more about the Chaplaincy

Last reviewed: 2 January 2024