The idea of joining a society or attending an event may incite feelings of excitement, nervousness or uncertainty. But finding the courage to give something a go could be the first step in improving your university experience. If you’re feeling worried about attending a society or an event for the first time, here are some tips:
Find events in your university or city
Various pieces throughout this content package have referenced the positive effect building community can have on Black students. Meeting other Black students and engaging with community and cultural events can help you gain a sense of belonging, friendship and can ultimately improve your mental wellbeing.
Attend with a trusted friend
There’s nothing wrong with turning up to a society alone, in fact its common at university where students may be new and yet to build their circle. However, if the thought of arriving alone is a barrier to you attending events, consider asking a trusted friend to attend with you.
Contact the organiser ahead of time
Society committees want new members to join and help expand their group. Therefore, they will likely be happy to hear you are interested in joining. If you’re feeling uncertain, find the society’s email address or social media account and send them a message. You could ask for more details about upcoming events, or if you feel comfortable to do so, explain that you’re feeling a little nervous about attending for the first time. You can always ask for a committee member to meet you when you arrive and help introduce you to members.
Don’t give up
It’s a common experience for students to try a few different societies and events and find that they’re not the right fit for them. Don’t feel discouraged if the first event or society you go to isn’t right for you. There’ll be plenty of other options to try and just remember that each failed attempt is one step closer to finding your match.
How to find events local to your university
To find relevant events, search up your students’ union or guild. Usually their website will list all the clubs and societies available for you to join. Most institutions have an African-Caribbean Society or Black Students Network, which many Black students report to be a great place to build friendships, community and belonging and don’t require you to be an international student from an African or Caribbean country. Often there will be other societies that may be of interest, such as societies for individual African and Caribbean countries, and a QTIPOC (queer, transgender, intersex, person of colour) society.
If you live in a town or city where there are multiple universities, you may be able to access certain events run at universities other than your own. Contact the organisers directly to check if this is the case.
Upcoming events
Are you running an event for Black students at your institution? Fill out this form to be featured on this webpage and help more students find your events. Be sure to specify if the event is only for students enrolled at your university or if students at other local universities are welcome.
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