Home Advice and information Money Get advice and practical tips to help with money worries. 5 resources: article Managing worry about money 3 minute read If you are experiencing money problems, worry can prevent you from taking positive action to improve your circumstances. Managing your emotions around finance can be an important step in taking control of your money. article How to make a student budget 5 minute read It’s natural to feel financially unsettled by recent challenges such as changes to the cost of living and the pandemic. Making a budget can help you feel more confident in managing your finances. article What to do if you have money problems 3 minute read It’s normal to have a few money blips at university. But with changes to the cost of living causing disruption, many students now face more challenges. Find out what steps you can take to tackle the biggest money problems students typically face. article How to find extra funding at university 5 minute read Making ends meet may feel especially challenging right now. There are things that can help. This page explains where to find extra funding for living costs. video Creating a budget and managing social spending 5 minute watch Abena talks through her experience of managing her finances in her first year including creating and utilising a budget.