Home Advice and information Returning to university Find advice and tips around returning to university. 8 resources: article Returning to university 3 minute read If you are returning to university, you have clearly demonstrated that you have the ability to navigate student life. However, each year at university is different, with differing challenges and opportunities. You can ease yourself into the next stage by taking a few steps to prepare. article Worried about returning to university 3 minute read If you’re concerned about returning to university after a challenging year, this article can help you think through some of those worries. article Why your social life might change, as you progress into the next academic year When they return for a new academic year, many students are surprised that their social life isn’t quite the same. Increases in academic demands, changes in friendship groups and people living in different accommodation can change the way socialising happens. Understanding this and taking some simple steps, can help ensure that you still get the social contact and fun that you need for a balanced lifestyle. article Living well in a student house or flat Many students choose to move into private accommodation with friends after first year. This can be great or a challenging experience. Good communication, planning and organisation can help make this as good an experience as it can be. article Making the most of placement years and years abroad Placement years and years abroad offer exciting opportunities to broaden your learning, apply your knowledge and gain new experiences. But like any new change, there will be challenges along the way and being prepared for them can help you to make the most of your year. article Back after a year away and my friends have already graduated If you’ve been away for a year on placement, year abroad or authorised leave due to illness or other circumstance, one of the key challenges, when you return, can be that many of your friends may have completed their degree and graduated while you’ve been away. While this will give you a very different university experience, it can be an experience that is enjoyable and fulfilling. article Maintaining old networks 2 minute read Your existing networks can be really helpful in adjusting to university life. Think about who you want to stay in touch with and how. article Postgraduate research students: looking after your wellbeing 1 minute read If you’re a postgraduate research student, you might be facing specific challenges for your wellbeing. Our tailor-made resources might help.